Tips for keeping your pup cool in summer.


Tips for keeping your pup cool in summer.  With the warm weather here, it is essential to keep your pup cool so that they can feel relaxed and comfortable. Making sure they have water access at all times. When taking your dog on a walk try to go in the morning or evening as the [...]

Tips for keeping your pup cool in summer. 2019-07-25T10:06:36-04:00

DGW’s Client of the Month – July – Airlie!


At Dog Gone Walking, we form amazing bonds with our clients, over years of visiting and getting to know all their quirks and unique personalities. With help from our sponsor, Ren’s Pets Depot, we choose a client each month and show off some of the incredible pets we spend time with every day! Dog Gone Walking [...]

DGW’s Client of the Month – July – Airlie! 2019-07-11T09:21:33-04:00

DIY “Catsicles”


Last week we gave you some ideas for frozen, yummy summer treats for your dog, but why can’t your cats also join in on the fun? We all know drinking only water can get boring, so whether you have an outdoor cat that is trying to beat the summer heat or an indoor kitty you’re [...]

DIY “Catsicles” 2019-07-05T09:14:25-04:00

DIY “Pupsicles”


With the weather warming up (finally!), you may be thinking of unique ways to keep your pup cool, especially after a good walk, play time at the park, or spending time in the backyard. Frozen desserts can be one of the best things about summer and as dog owners, we love seeing the joy of [...]

DIY “Pupsicles” 2019-06-27T08:50:47-04:00

All About the Catio


Most cats naturally want to be outdoors where they can experience the sights, sounds, and movements of nature, and maybe even want to get some exercise and fresh air. However, if you have an indoor cat or you worry about the safety of the outdoors for your cat, catios may be the solution you’ve been [...]

All About the Catio 2019-06-19T11:38:52-04:00

DGW’s Client of the Month – Sheba


At Dog Gone Walking, we form amazing bonds with our clients, over years of visiting and getting to know all their quirks and unique personalities. With help from our sponsor, Ren’s Pets Depot, we choose a client each month and show off some of the incredible pets we spend time with every day! Dog Gone [...]

DGW’s Client of the Month – Sheba 2019-06-12T10:50:55-04:00

Why Dogs Eat Grass


Last week we talked about the reasons why cats eat grass, but many dog owners have probably noticed that their dog is drawn to eating grass as well. Just like cats, dogs are carnivores, however, there is one main difference between the two. Dogs are facultative carnivores (compared to obligate carnivores), which means they can [...]

Why Dogs Eat Grass 2019-06-05T10:54:13-04:00

Why Cats Eat Grass


As cat owners, we all know cats are carnivores. More specifically, however, they are obligate carnivores, which means they require meat in order to thrive and they would not be able to survive on plant material. This is because they don’t have the enzymes necessary to process the vegetation. But have you ever noticed your [...]

Why Cats Eat Grass 2019-05-30T11:29:41-04:00

Paw Washers – The Alternative Paw Cleaner For Dog Walking


Do you have a dog that loves to play in mud puddles? Or does your dog just seem to track dirt into the house no matter how clean you think their paws are? Are you tired of bringing out that old towel and having a battle with your dog after every walk? Well, if you [...]

Paw Washers – The Alternative Paw Cleaner For Dog Walking 2019-05-22T12:15:08-04:00

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