Tips for keeping your pup cool in summer.

Tips for keeping your pup cool in summer. 

With the warm weather here, it is essential to keep your pup cool so that they can feel relaxed and comfortable. Making sure they have water access at all times. When taking your dog on a walk try to go in the morning or evening as the pavement can burn their paws leaving the dog in pain for several days. Certain dog breeds do better in hot weather than others. Like the Beagle, Doberman & Golden Retrievers.

Here are some tips to make sure your pup is keeping it cool!

Take your dog swimming or go to your local splash pad.

Give then frozen treats to snack on that are also very tasty!

Provide an ice pack or cold towel for them to lay on.

Bring a water dish on your walks.

Replace a portion of their regular kibble with canned food.

Avoid walking on hot pavement.

Early morning or evening play dates/ walks are best.

Take your dog on a car ride with the windows down for a cool breeze.

Heatstroke in dogs: know the signs 

  • raised temperature
  • rapid breathing
  • fatigue
  • excess salivation
  • depression 

If you notice any of these signs in your dog call or take them to your vet.

Summer is such a beautiful and fun time with so many outdoor activities to do with your pup making sure they stay cool is important so everybody can enjoy summer!


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