Snow Dogs!

Well, we certainly got a dumping of snow as we welcome March into 2016! While we’re busy cursing Jack Frost as we scrape our windshields each morning, our pups see a whole other world entirely…

Here are a few of our favourite clips of some stinking cute snow-crazy dogs!

  1. This freakin’ ADORABLE frenchie needs to sign up for our summer baseball team…look at that dive!
  2. It’s true, as the title of this video states- labs never give up! If it weren’t for that big wagging tail, she’d be swallowed up entirely – typical labrador spirit!
  • Sometimes though, dogs are just like us and would rather not and say they did…like this newborn pug playing pretend in some cotton balls. We feel ya, little guy! Arggghhh cuteness OVERLOAD!
  • Our clients do this all the time, and it never stops making us laugh – this hilarious Aussie making ‘pup angels’ reminds us of a lot of pups we know!
  • Okay, so this last one isn’t a dog but it was too funny not to share – check out these spunky kitties making the most out of the aftermath of a huge snowstorm…we love their enthusiasm but we’ll stay cozy under the blankets indoors, thank you very much. 

    That’s a wrap,folks! Now what do you say, let’s focus on the impending spring weather, shall we? Longing desperately for green grass makes it come sooner, right?


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