Poisonous Plants?! In MY home?!

Maybe! Not to alarm you all, while we’re in such a good mood, with all this sunshine lately…but now that spring has officially sprung, it’s time to talk plants! We all know that pets have a penchant for gravitating towards eating the strangest things in our homes, from wood to plastic and of course, plants. Whether in your home, or in your garden, often we are unaware of the potential health hazards right under our (and our pets’) noses.

In order to prevent poisoning by cut flowers or house plants, avoid placing toxic ones in your home where your critters may be able to access them. Or better yet, avoid buying flowers and plants that are known to be toxic. Outside is trickier, especially if your dog or cat has a wide range to roam.

That’s where this handy dandy chart comes in – don’t you love a good chart?


Now let’s quickly go over symptoms to watch out for, if you suspect your pup or kitty has gotten into some foliage they shouldn’t have…

  • Skin rash
  • Swelling of tongue/snout area
  • Hypersalvation
  • Shivering
  • Vomiting
  • Nervousness
  • Difficulty breathing/catching breath
  • Diarrhea
  • Trouble standing/sudden paralysis

This goes without saying, of course, you’re an awesome pet parent, but just a reminder-  if you see your pet exhibiting any of these symptoms after a munch in your garden, get them to your vet asap!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Double digits – we will be basking in this sunshine allllll day long!



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