5 Ways You Can Keep Your Senior Dog Healthy & Happy


Many pet parents struggle with watching their animals age. It's easy to forget that your pup is approaching their golden years, and isn't quite a 'pup' anymore! As they get older, keeping an eye out for certain things you may not have even thought about in the past becomes more important than ever. We put together a [...]

5 Ways You Can Keep Your Senior Dog Healthy & Happy 2017-01-12T09:17:57-04:00

How To Keep Your Cat Happy When You’re Away


Cat lovers, how many times has this happened to you - you’re packing for a long-awaited vacation, only to find that your cat has jumped into your suitcase and won’t get out of it. Or worse, decided to use it as a litter box. The old myth that cats are solitary creatures who crave nothing [...]

How To Keep Your Cat Happy When You’re Away 2016-11-10T15:23:00-04:00

The Many Ways Dogs Keep Us Healthy !


Aside from putting smiles on our faces, it turns out pets have the ability to make us healthier. We put together a list of how our pets, particularly dogs, can make us happy, healthy, fit, smiley people—and it’s backed by science, of course! They keep us active! If you own a dog, chances are high [...]

The Many Ways Dogs Keep Us Healthy ! 2016-11-10T15:23:01-04:00

Reactive Dogs: tips for all dog owners!


So first of all, what IS a reactive dog? Well, "reactive" is actually the term coined by trainers and owners to describe dogs that overreact to certain stimuli. It might be the sight of other dogs, people, kids, loud noises and chaos, etc. The dog’s reaction to these stimuli is usually a bark and lunge type of [...]

Reactive Dogs: tips for all dog owners! 2016-11-10T15:23:02-04:00

Poisonous Plants?! In MY home?!


Maybe! Not to alarm you all, while we're in such a good mood, with all this sunshine lately...but now that spring has officially sprung, it's time to talk plants! We all know that pets have a penchant for gravitating towards eating the strangest things in our homes, from wood to plastic and of course, plants. [...]

Poisonous Plants?! In MY home?! 2016-11-10T15:23:02-04:00

5 Flea and Tick Facts You Don’t Want To Know (But Need To)


With the melting snow, gorgeous sunshine and warmer temperatures comes those nasty little bugs who love to call your pet their host! An innocent roll in the grass by your pup could mean a huge headache for you, if the proper precautions aren't taken. Fleas and ticks, however gross and annoying are a part of [...]

5 Flea and Tick Facts You Don’t Want To Know (But Need To) 2016-11-10T15:23:02-04:00

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