5 Quick Feeding Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy This Winter

Your dog’s nutritional needs change during the winter. We rounded up a few tips that are good to consider year-round,however you’ll want to pay special attention to them during the wintertime. The cold dry air, lack of exercise, and reduced sunlight can cause some very specific health issues, so you want to do everything you can to keep your dog healthy during this time of year.

  1. Watch The Treats: During the winter months, we all tend to overindulge. With all of the holiday meals, you may be tempted to also feed your dog extra treats. A little of the Thanksgiving turkey or some of the Christmas ham can seem harmless but can really pack on the calories. So make sure that through the winter holidays with all the running around, you’re sure to keep your dog on their normal feeding routine.
  2. Careful With Holiday Toxins: There are many foods that are around during the holidays that can be toxic for dogs. We covered these in our December newsletter! Avoiding feeding your dog chocolates, macadamia nuts, and yeast doughs because these things can make them very sick. If you decide to give your dog human foods during the holidays make sure it is something they can eat like meat, sweet potatoes, or green beans. Also watch them around poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe because they may also make them sick.
  3. Manage Their Caloric Intake: The amount of calories your dog consumes during the winter depends entirely on your dog. Some dogs will need extra calories in the winter so they can support the extra energy they need to fight the cold, while other dogs become less active so they need less calories or they may gain weight. In either case, feed your dog their normal amount and watch their weight. If they begin losing weight, you may need to increase the calories. If they begin gaining weight, you may need to cut the calories back until the weather warms up again.
  4. Find Creative Ways To Exercise: Rather than cutting your dog’s calories, you might want to look at better ways for them to exercise during the winter if they are prone to weight gain. Maybe play some indoor games or take them to doggy daycare a couple times a week so they can run around with other dogs inside. Exercise goes hand in hand with nutrition, so don’t forget this important aspect of pup care.
  5. Support Their Joints: During the winter the cold, dry weather can do a number on your dog’s joints. If you dog is older or their breed is prone to arthritis or hip dysplasia, you’ll want to add some supplements for joint health. Glucosamine and chondroitin are great for joint support as are omega fatty acids. You can look for foods that contain high amounts of these ingredients or get a dietary supplement to add to their normal feeding schedule.

Just a few easy tips to keep in mind during this frigid holiday season, they can go a long way and make a difference in the overall health of your pup!


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