Which Fruits are Toxic for Dogs?

Making your own fruit treats for dogs can raise some serious questions. The most important of these questions is, “Are these ingredients safe for my dog to eat?” There are plenty of dangerous foods for your dog out there. Here are some that should be avoided:


The skin, leaves, pit, and even the fruit of avocado contain a toxin called persin While persin is totally safe for humans, it can induce vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. What humans consider a favorite healthy snack can be quite dangerous for our furry companions! It is best to keep all parts of avocado away from your dog and out of homemade fruit dog treats.


The skin and stems of cherries contain cyanide. This can cause an upset stomach in dogs even if a small amount is ingested. One or two cherries can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Even if a small amount is ingested, you should watch for more serious issues. Symptoms can include dilated pupils and red gums and can be a precursor for dogs going into shock. 

Dogs can even die from cyanide poisoning. The pits can also lead to intestinal issues like blockages. To remove them from your dog’s digestive system can sometimes require surgery. Even maraschino cherries contain too much sugar to be good for dogs. Your best bet is to keep cherries out of homemade fruit dog treats altogether.


Although the specifically poisonous component of grapes is still being researched, they are consistently proven to be dangerous for dogs. Even in very small quantities grapes have been known to cause acute kidney failure.

Symptoms can come on suddenly and include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Lack of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Vomiting

These symptoms can lead to death. Even raisins are dangerous for dogs. Grapes in all forms are a NO in homemade dog treats.


The ripe, red fruit of tomatoes is not considered dangerous to dogs. However, the leaves and stems contain solanine which is toxic to dogs in large quantities. Baby green tomatoes contain more of this toxin and it affects dogs in different levels of extremity.

Aside from the normal upset stomach, some dogs suffer from muscle weakness, tremors, and seizures. Dogs of different sizes can feel the effects on different levels. Putting ripe tomatoes in homemade treats may be safe for some dogs, but why risk it? Leaving them out of homemade fruit dog treats is a much safer option.

There are many other harmful fruits and vegetables for our dogs. It is best to do your research and consult with a veterinarian before feeding your dog anything you are unsure of. Here are 3 homemade fruit treats for dogs that are totally safe AND healthy! They are fun and easy to make, and can even be enjoyed by humans! sitstay.com


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