They’re trouble… but cute

Welcome to part two of the puppy tips and tricks! There are so many things to keep in mind when a new one arrives, I hope I can squeeze in a decent amount and be helpful to some of you.

We spoke about the crate, and using it as an aid in house training. This works like a charm so long as when the puppy is peeing where they are supposed to, they are getting so much praise it must be the most exciting thing in the world! There are also ways to aid them in asking you to go outside. Some have the bells hanging off the door, so the pup learns to nudge the bell to ask. You can also teach them to speak at the door using treats so they learn to ask vocally. Many people have different preferences in this matter! Personally, I’m okay with a simple scratch at the door.

Puppies chew everything! It can be difficult to watch them all the time so your furniture doesn’t get destroyed. However, there are a few tricks here as well. You can sternly say no when they are caught chewing something they’re not supposed to, then offer them a toy that suitable for their teething. Simply teaching them right from wrong, but a little positivity after the sternness can go a long way! If they persist in chewing on something naughty (baseboards, legs of chairs etc.) you can try a bitter spray, or some form of light hot sauce. These really deter them if it’s become a serious issue. Please don’t go overboard with either of these however, a simple drop will do!

Lastly I’d like to talk about manners. Some puppies are so cute it can be difficult not to let them walk all over you…literally. However, as they grow this can be a serious issue if they’ve learned they can be dominant. One of the first commands to learn is a simple sit. There are a few ways to teach this, I’m a fan of luring with the cookie. Have them sit for most everything! This includes and is not limited to feeding, being let out of the crate, putting their leash on for walks, stopping at intersections and so many more! Try to keep eye contact while they sit and have a release word for them such as “okay”. This can be a really good way to regain control, especially for the smarter puppies. Walks are great for expelling energy, but even more so for their thinking as well! Test them, see what they can be taught. You’d be surprised how teachable they are.

These are all tips that are open for debate. Everyone has different ways of training, so find your own preferences for your pup! Do some research and look up some YouTube videos. Information is at your fingertips! Don’t be afraid to explore your options and see what you agree with.

Have any good tips? We’d love to hear them!


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