A Nutritious Meal Continued…

In last week’s blog we covered some main points and tips about pet nutrition. If you didn’t get a chance to look at it, find it here.

In speaking about your animal’s food, it’s important to remember that every pet is different, and that this discussion is completely dependent on your animal. We covered some major topics regarding their main food source. Kibble is certainly the most common, however raw is a strong contender for great nutrition for your dog or cat.

A couple points that didn’t make it into last weeks discussion is what changing your pet’s diet can do for them. Firstly, changing diets can be stressful for your animals stomach, so be patient and give them a good month before looking for real results. Even longer depending on the pet and severity of the diet change. If you’re dog or cat is struggling with stomach aches, a common trick for helping them out is to give them some pumpkin. Be careful what you buy from the can, and make sure it is not pumpkin filling, but 100% pure pumpkin. This trick can really help those gargling stomachs and messy poops!

Speaking of poops, that’s probably the first thing you’ll notice in how well your pet is doing on their diet. How often are they going? What is the consistency? Some dogs on raw food absorb so many nutrients that their poops are very seldom, and very dense. This is a good thing! It’s difficult to find that balance, but it’s definitely something you can keep an eye on in deciding what’s best for them.

It’s that time of year again when allergies are out and looking for prey! If you’re like me, the cat sleeping on the pillow does not help with this matter. As much as I love those cuddles, I also love to open my eyes in the morning. Dandruff and oily fur can be a big sign that your pet is lacking in nutrients. Another trick of the trade is to feed them a good food that will help them with their dander. Like human hair, fish oils are great for your animals coat. They’re full of omegas! Look for this in your pet’s food or as a natural supplement at your local pet store. Feeding a good food can do wonders for your pet, and for your allergies!

Nutrition is an ongoing discussion, with many different opinions. It’s important to keep an eye on your animal, and be aware of how they do on their food. Sure, some foods may be easier and cheaper, but try to think of it as an investment in your pet. Remember the benefits; a longer happier life for your pets, less poops to pick up, less money spent on allergy medication and many more! Try to do some research and have these facts in hand so you can make an informed decision on your pets health, after all, it’s in your hands!

Any other tricks you’ve come across over the years, please feel free to share! We are all pet owners and the more knowledge the better!


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