Man’s Best Friend Continued

This week we will dive into the factual portion of man’s best friend. There is a reason it is strongly recommended to own a dog, as it has many health benefits both physically and mentally.

Companionship has a great health benefit, especially to those who would be alone otherwise. Mentally, owning a dog benefits us through having someone to talk to, as well as provides us with a sense of security. Having a dog in the house can help to ease anxiety, as they make us feel safer, and not alone. Less anxiety can be tied to physical benefits as well, as studies show less heart conditions with those who own a dog.

The scientists followed 3.4 million people over the course of 12 years and found that adults who live alone and owned a dog were 33 percent less likely to die during the study than adults who lived alone without dogs. In addition, the single adults with dogs were 36 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

“Dog ownership was especially prominent as a protective factor in persons living alone, which is a group reported previously to be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease and death than those living in a multiperson household,” Mwenya Mubanga, a Ph.D. student at Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden, and the lead junior author of the study, said in a statement announcing its findings. (Catherine Thorbecke, ABC News)

Owning a dog also keeps the owner active, as dogs require exercise and activity. It also feels nice to have a reason to simply go for a walk. Dog give us this reason, and help us to enjoy our time outdoors more. I mean, who doesn’t love to see their dog having fun? It’s such a simple pleasure for many people.

Remember to thank your dog, for all the health benefits they give you on a daily basis.


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