Does Your Dog Need A Coat?

Many dogs and breeds have different coats of fur. Some are very equipped for this cold weather, while others more closely resemble us and our bare skin. It’s important to properly prepare your pup for the elements, especially in this freezing rain weather we’ve been experiencing! Your pup still needs their walk no matter what the weather is doing. Although we can sometimes take days off, you may notice some pups starting to get a little cabin fever. So, do they need an extra coat?

First of all, what breed of dog do you have? It’s probably safe to assume that many northern breeds aren’t in need of extra layers. They usually have different layers of coat to help protect them against cold elements. Breeds like Newfoundlanders, Great Pyreneese, Alaskan Malamutes, Huskies, St Bernards, Bernese Mountain Dog etc, are all breeds that love this cold weather. Putting a jacket on them may just make them more uncomfortable. Allow them to enjoy this time of year while they can, as summer can be difficult for them.

Breeds with shorter coats can definitely use the extra help. Even if they don’t show signs of being cold, a rain jacket doesn’t hurt to at least help keep them dry. Plus, there will be less to clean up when you return to the house!

There are so many varieties of doggy jackets out there these days. It can be overwhelming when doing the research in what your dog needs, and what’s available. Upon seeing many varieties in our dog walking days, a personal favourite in winter jackets is called a “snug”. These are seen being used for more naked dogs such as greyhounds, whippets and daschunds. More or less it’s very similar to any dog jacket, however it also includes a fleece sleeve for their necks. These are very easy to get on and off, and help to protect their necks and ears in the wind. See the picture below for reference.

If you’re ever home during our visits, feel free to ask your dog walker for advice! We have seen many different options for pups and would love to help you in better equipping your dog for these harsh Canadian winters!

Also, check out our blog on dog foot wear to help with their paws! You can check out that blog HERE.


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