DGW’s Client of The Month – May – Macallan!

At Dog Gone Walking, we form amazing bonds with our clients, over years of visiting and getting to know all their quirks and unique personalities. With help from our sponsor, Rens Pets Depot, we choose a client each month and show off some of the incredible pets we spend time with every day! 

May’s client of the month is silly, fun-loving Macallan! We’ve had the pleasure of walking this sweet and handsome fella for years now, and he has built quite a few lasting friendships with pups in his neighbourhood! Whether he’s visiting Skye for a grassy romp in her yard, or sniffing the nearby trails with his BFF Vincent, Macallan is always ready to get going on a new adventure!

His cheeky personality and adorable demeanor (right down to his little mohawk) make this golden boy so very special to the DGW girls who visit him each day! It’s impossible not to smile when you’re greeted by this big goofy face, ready to smother you with kisses!

It really is a pleasure to visit Mac, and rain or shine- he makes one awesome trail buddy! Keep being awesome, Macallan- we love you!



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