DGW’s Client of the Month – July – Airlie!

    At Dog Gone Walking, we form amazing bonds with our clients, over years of visiting and getting to know all their quirks and unique personalities. With help from our sponsor, Ren’s Pets Depot, we choose a client each month and show off some of the incredible pets we spend time with every day!

    Dog Gone Walking would like to congratulate our client of the month, Airlie. Airlie is a really sweet Great Dane who is also very loving to every dog and person she meets! It’s always nice to hear her barks in excitement when we arrive. She sure knows how to make us feel welcomed and she always puts a big smile on our faces. But those smiles inevitably turn to laughs when we see her and all of her drool – lots and lots of drool! We would gladly deal with the drool if it meant time with Airlie, her energy always picks us and everyone else up. Airlie loves walking with her all of her doggie friends, but what’s even better is meeting a few new ones while on her walks as well! This big girl also loves to greet any people she sees and they are always quick to show the love back. But don’t expect this big girl to be quick while on her walks. She loves taking things slowly to really enjoy her time being outside – nothing wrong with taking things a bit slower and more relaxed!

    While Airlie certainly makes everyone feel special, we know we’ve become important friends for her, and that makes us overjoyed. She certainly has a special place in our family!

    It’s always such a pleasure to walk Airlie, and we are very happy to give her client of the month for July.


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