They’re cute…but trouble

Puppies are everywhere! There are many times in the year when puppies seem to be popping up as if from nowhere. There’s no question why I was inspired to write a puppy article this week. There’s a new member of our family and it reminded me of how many tips and tricks are commonly known, but not to all. So, here are a few tricks we’ve learned over the years in welcoming a puppy into your home.

Crate training can be frustrating, but it’s a very important aspect in welcoming a puppy into your home. It’s also very useful in helping you with house training. Firstly, always make the crate a happy place to be. The crate should never be used as a punishment, it’s meant to be a safe bed for them to retreat to when things get overwhelming. Try peanut butter or pumpkin in a puppy kong, or soaking a rope with water and freezing it, to help entice them into the happy place. Freezing can be very useful for the teething puppy. It’s soothing as its cold, but also a hard chew toy before it fully thaws.

As soon as the crate door opens, outside you go. The goal is to get the pee right away, if no pee happens, back in the crate. The waiting period doesn’t have to be long, 10 minutes will do it. This teaches them that peeing right away is key to getting to play time. They then get to roam around the house or backyard doing fun, puppy things.

This is common knowledge to most owners, but never said too much. Positive reinforcement is always key! Puppies are destructive and will get into something when you turn your back. Though being firm is important in these situation, make sure when good behaviour persists there is an abundance of praise!

There is so much information on this topic, I think I’ll make it another two parter. For that reason, to be continued…


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