A Nutritious Meal

We’ve all been there, eating salads for lunch, trying to find locally sourced foods. We try very hard to feed ourselves and loved ones the best, most nutritious foods possible. Should our animals not also get the same treatment? Let’s do an experiment, look at your animal’s food and read the first ingredient. What does it say? Corn, chicken, beef, chicken meal?

Finding good food for your animal is similar to when you first started learning about foods for yourself. Do you know what to look for? Let’s discuss a couple tips in feeding your pet, and signs they may need something a bit more nutritious.


I’m there with you. It’s convenient, and low maintenance, but is it the best thing for our pets? There are many arguments out there that defend kibble, and many that say its awful. Truthfully it can be either or depending on the brand and ingredients list on the back.

The history of kibble is an interesting one, especially considering how much consumers rely on it today. It came along with the dry foods industry booming as a result of WWII.

The dry dog food industry got a real boost thanks to WWII. By 1941 canned dog food, around since the 1860s, had 90% of the market share. When the US entered WWII, metal and meat were both rationed. This  really launched cereal-based dry food. Consumers were delighted: dry food was easier, less messy, definitely less aromatic. (Howlistic; A Brief History of Kibble)

Now, kibble has come a long way in terms of adding in nutritious ingredients. However, corn is one of those remaining not so good ones. Corn is a protein supplement, and in no way actual meat. At the end of the day, our dogs and cats are carnivores. So, when looking into kibbles to buy, please read the ingredients list on the back. The first ingredient should be a real protein; chicken, beef, lamb, duck etc. Now, “chicken meal” is a sneaky one. This isn’t necessarily bad, however your animal is probably receiving the less meaty part of the chicken, I wont go into too much detail.

All that being said, some animals do well with these foods. It is understandable that not all of our pets do well with the best of the best. It can be too rich for them. It’s all about how your animal is reacting to the food you give them. Some dogs are allergic to grain, just like humans can be lactose intolerant. You know your animal best!

Arguably, raw food is the best form of food for your dog or cat. Again, they are carnivores, so this makes a lot of sense. Add in a few nutrients, and they may be the happiest they’ve ever been. It isn’t a route for everyone, however it is a path to be explored.

Is your pet picky? Do they turn up their nose to their food? Take a look at the food their receiving. Not to say they aren’t picky, but something more nutritious may entice them more. Tripe is a good solver of the picky eater. Prep your nose before opening the can, but to them it’s a cake in the oven.

Nutrition is a topic often argued and disagreed upon. So, do some research and see what you think among the discussion. Our animals deserve the best! Hopefully some of this blog has been food for thought for you and your animal.

To be continued…


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